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The ChatterBox Subscription

Become part of our every growing list of monthly donation subscribers and receive a ChatterBox each month.

Receive goodies once a month for your pup and help other pups in the process! All subscriptions are tax deductible. Your donations help us continue to do the same consistent work in the rescue community. Receive monthly goodies and feel good progress updates on the pups your donations helped!

Shipping included with subscription cancel anytime.

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So how much should I donate?

$10.00 will purchase a leash for a rescue dog.

$30.00 will feed a dog for a month or purchase a dog bed for a shelter dog.

$60.00 will pay for 1 hour of in home training with a certified dog trainer.

$100.00 pays for a day of board and training with a certified dog trainer, that works with rescues to help them overcome fears, anxiety and abuse.

$145.00 will cover the cost of one dogs initial sponsorship kit which includes, training, a leash & collar, dog food, carrying tote and their own dog bed they have used while waiting for their forever home.